The X-Philes (2nd Revision)
The X-Philes Number 1 (1995).iso
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Internet Message Format
From: bson@rice-chex.ai.mit.edu (Jan Brittenson)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.hp48
Subject: Shadowing Memory
Date: 9 Sep 91 08:24:38 GMT
Here are two small utilities, that let you map around your cards.
[Note: Both SHADOW and ZEROMAP are contained in the SHADOW directory
on this disk. -jkh-]
SHADOW maps a card to shadow another device. The contents of the
device are first copied to the card so you can modify them. Of course,
if your card is ROM (or write-protected RAM), then the copy is ignored
and the contents of the card will effectively overlay those of the
second device. It takes two arguments: the address of your card and
the destination address.
SHADOW Copy and map card to shadow another device
#card_address #destination_address -->
ZEROMAP is similar to SHADOW, except the contents of the card are
cleared instead of copied.
Some examples:
#80000 #10000 SHADOW
Shadow parts of the system ROM (#10000-#1ffff) with a copy
in the card in port 1. This would allow full MLDB
breakpointing in the area 10000-1ffff. It could also be
used from a program that subsequently modifies the "ROM."
#10000 #80000 ZEROMAP
Restore from previous example. If we didn't clear the card
we would lose parts of it, and the next time we yanked it
and plugged it back in, we would get an "Invalid card data"
error. This has to do with the sort of trickery SHADOW
resorts to in order to avoid "Invalid card data" errors.
#C0000 #C0000 ZEROMAP
Clear card in port 2.
About ports and such:
A single plug-in card will always be in port 1, even if plugged
into connector 2. Port 1 is at #80000 and port 2 at #C0000. There is
also a third config table entry which I'm not sure what it's used for,
maybe a debug ROM. The default address for the third "port" is #D0000.
The system ROM is in the region #00000-#6FFFF.
Notice that I will not be responsible for any data or other forms
of lossage. If properly used, you should be able to work miracles.
Improperly used, you better have you backups readily available! Also,
using these routines assumes a certain knowledge of HP-48SX internals.
Do not attempt to store data on a card remapped by means of the
routines included here: that is almost guaranteed lossage.
The only argument checking performed is simple type checking.
Have fun,
-- Jan Brittenson
O /
/\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
O \
; shadow.star - shadow device with port
; Jan Brittenson, September 1991
; This program is in the public domain.
; Assemble with (in order) hp48.star and stdsyms.star
radix 0x10
; In:
; 2: old address (short)
; 1: new address (short)
conf_tbl = 70428 ; System configuration table
_Short 0xbb ; Two binary integers
Two_bins_to_shorts ; Convert addresses to shorts
; Pop address, find fake pointer (all pages have one)
call getshort ; A.A = shadow address
move a, r2
call getshort ; A.A = RAM address
swap a, r2 ; R2.A = RAM address
call save_regs ; Save system RPL registers
move 3, p
clr.wp a ; Clear low 4 nybbles of address
clr p
move a, r0 ; R0.A = shadow location
move a, d0
dec d0
inc d0
move.a @d0, c
brnz.a c, $1
swap c, d0 ; C.A = fake config address
move c, r1 ; R1.A = fake config address
; Copy ROM and remap RAM
clrb 0xf, st ; Disable interrupts
move r2, c ; C.A = RAM adress
move c, d1
move.p5 10000, c ; 32kB
move a, d0 ; D0 = shadow page address
call blkcopy ; Copy 32kB from #10000->#80000
move r2, c ; C.A = RAM adress
uncnfg ; Unconfig RAM card
move.p5 0xf0000, c ; 32kB Mask
move r0, c ; New location
; Update system config table
move r1, c ; Value to stick in config table
move.5 conf_tbl+^d10, d0 ; D0 = & P1 config address
move.a c, @d0 ; Update config address
call calc_conf_crc ; Calculate config table CRC
; D0 = & CRC, C.A = new CRC
move.4 c, @d0 ; CRC = new CRC
; Finished
setb 0xf, st ; Enable interrupts
brbc 0xe, st, $100 ; No interrupts occured
rsi ; Service pending interrupts
jump rr_rplcont ; Restore RPL registers and continue
O /
/\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
O \
; zeromap.star - remap and clear port
; Jan Brittenson, Septembet 1991
; This program is in the public domain.
; Assemble with (in order): hp48.star and stdssyms.star
radix 0x10
; In:
; 2: old address (short)
; 1: new address (short)
conf_tbl = 70428 ; System configuration table
_Short 0xbb ; Two binary integers
Two_bins_to_shorts ; Convert addresses to shorts
; Pop address, find fake pointer (all pages have one)
call getshort ; A.A = shadow address
move a, r2
call getshort ; A.A = RAM address
swap a, r2 ; R2.A = RAM address
call save_regs ; Save system RPL registers
move 3, p
clr.wp a ; Clear low 4 nybbles of address
clr p
move a, r0 ; R0.A = shadow location
; Clear remap RAM
clrb 0xf, st ; Disable interrupts
move r2, c ; C.A = RAM adress
move c, d1 ; D0 = RAM address
move.p5 10000, c ; 32kB
call blkzero ; Clear RAM
move r2, c ; C.A = RAM adress
uncnfg ; Unconfig RAM card
move.p5 0xf0000, c ; 32kB Mask
move r0, c ; New location
; Update system config table
move.5 conf_tbl+^d10, d0 ; D0 = & P1 config address
move.a c, @d0 ; Update config address
call calc_conf_crc ; Calculate config table CRC
; D0 = & CRC, C.A = new CRC
move.4 c, @d0 ; CRC = new CRC
; Finished
setb 0xf, st ; Enable interrupts
brbc 0xe, st, $100 ; No interrupts occured
rsi ; Service pending interrupts
jump rr_rplcont ; Restore RPL registers and continue
O /
/\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
O \
;; stdsyms.star - some common symbols
radix 0x10
Not_bool = 3af2
Doerr_string = 15048
Text = 1314d
Toggle_text = 132c5
Cmd_DOERR = 1a339
Cmd_EVAL = 1a3be
Cmd_PATH = 1a125
Cmd_HOME = 1a140
Home = 8d92
Path = 1848c
Purge_global = 1854f
Sto_any_global = 18513
Rcl_global = 797b
Cmd_STO = 20ccd
GROB_null = 505b2
OpenIO = 2eb37
CloseIO = 315c6
Freeze = 142fb
Cllcd = 5046a
Eval = 18eba
Eval_prev_context = 6fd1
Push_next = 6e97
Char_000 = 6541e
Add_string_char = 52ee
Add5 = 6258a
Inc = 3def
Dup_Inc = 628eb
Short_200h = 64f0e
Short_100h = 64e32
Short_60h = 64c8e
Short_c0h = 64dd8
Short_bbh = 64dce
Short_31h = 64b44
String_to_grob_pitch8 = 11d00
Turn_menu_off = 4e2cf
Nullstring = 55df
Nullstring_copy = 1613f
Program_null = 40788
Realloc = 61c1c
Copy = 6657
Num = 1410f
Add = 3dbc
Add_string_string = 5193
LeftLess1_string_short = 63259
ArrayTo_array = 1d0ab
ArrayTo = 1d0ab
Dec = 3e0e
Dup = 3188
EndObj = 312b
Equalp = 3d19
Nonzerop = 3cc7
No_args = 18a15
Zerop = 3ca6
Dup_Zerop = 62266
Get_2Lastlocal = 613e7
Get_3lastlocal = 6140e
Get_4lastlocal = 61438
Get_lastlocal = 613b6
If_then_else = 61ad8
If_true_then = 619bc
Dup_If_zero_then_exec = 618a8
If_User_flag_then_else = 63ed9
Pview_short_short = 4f052
Listob = 2a74
ListAlgPrgTo = 54af
ListTo = 54af
ListTo_StoreLocals = 74d0
Local_M = 0xe4c1
Local_N = 0xe4ae
Local_S = 41bea
Mul = 3ec2
Mul2 = 3e6f
Mul_array_real = 362dc
Next = 7334
Prg = 2d9d
True = 3a81
False = 3ac0
Bin_to_short = 5a03
Two_Bins_to_shorts = 4f3d1
Real_to_short = 18cea
Real_to_short_Swap = 62e7b
Swap_Over = 61380
Roll = 3325
Drop = 3244
Swap_Drop = 60f9b
Drop2 = 3258
Drop4 = 60f7e
Xlib_to_Rpl = 7e99
Error_Bad_arg_type = 18cb2
Error_Undef_Name = 18c92
Short_0bh = 405d
Clear_lastargs = 4d33
Reset_lastargs = 53842
Need_1_arg = 18ab2
Need_2_args = 18a8d
Need_4_args = 18b9f
SL_Need_1_arg = 18aa5
Switch_on_argtype = 18fb2
SL_Switch_2_argtypes = 18edf
SL_Switch_on_argtype = 18ece
SL_Switch_4_argtypes = 18f01
SaveLast_Need_1_arg = 18aa5
Lastkey = 4714
Short_0 = 3fef
Short_1 = 3ff9
Short_2 = 4003
Short_3 = 400d
Short_4 = 4017
Short_5 = 4021
Short_6 = 402b
Short_8 = 403f
Short_0dh = 4071
Short_0eh = 407b
Short_0fh = 4085
Short_10h = 408f
Short_16h = 40cb
Short_1fh = 4125
Short_20h = 412f
Short_21h = 4139
Short_40h = 64bda
Short_7fh = 1cd16
Short_83h = 64d24
Pdim = 4b323
Equal2p = 6229a
Real_1 = 2a2c9
Real_2 = 2a2de
Real_3 = 2a2f3
Real_4 = 2a308
Real_5 = 2a31d
Real_7 = 2a347
Short_to_real = 18dbf
Start_1_to_N = 73db
Store_2lastlocal = 615f0
Store_3lastlocal = 61600
Store_4lastlocal = 61610
Store_lastlocal = 615e0
Store_local = 61625
Swap = 3223
Array_dims = 35a9
ToArray_real = 1d02c
ToArray_list = 1d040
Size_list = 567b
ToList = 5459
ToList2 = 631b9
TwoShorts_to_reals = 1950b
TwoReals_to_shorts = 194f7
Short_to_bin = 59cc
Swap_Over = 61380
Over = 32c2
Rot = 3295
Rolld3 = 60fac
Rolld4 = 6109e
Div2 = 3e8e
Div = 3ef7
Disp_any_real = 140ab
Disp_pitch8Str_line0 = 1245b
Disp_pitch8Str_line1 = 1246b
Disp_pitch8str_line2 = 1247b
Disp_pitch8str_line3 = 1248b
Disp_pitch8str_line4 = 1249b
Disp_pitch8str_line5 = 124ab
Disp_pitch8str_line6 = 124bb
Disp_pitch8str_line7 = 124cb
Attach_Home_short = 7709
Loop = 71a2
Exit_loop = 71e5
Until = 71c8
Next = 7334
If_ATTN_then_FlushKbd_Kill = 4243e
If_ATTN_then_End = 4245c
Pr1 = 318fe
Error_bad_arg_value = 18ca2
If_not_equal_then_short = 6336c
Get_StkGrob = 12655
Repl_Grob_short = 11679
;; ML routines
getshort = 6641
get2shorts = 3f5d
pushshort_r0r1 = 6529
pushshort_r0_rplret= 18d0a
pushobj_a = 54266
pushobj_a_rplret = 6ec9
strlen_a = 120cc
strlen_d1 = 120cf
stralloc_nibbles = 5b7d
blkcopy = 670c
blkzero = 675c
save_regs = 679b
restore_regs = 67d2
rplcont = 71be
rr_rplcont = 5143
kbflush = 0xd57
indicate_not_busy = 42359
int_mask = 10e
uart_xmit = 116
adjust_parity = 3113d
uart_xmit_rdy_p = 310ca
recv_getc = 31289
calc_conf_crc = 9b73
ATTN_p = 4988
clear_ATTN = 0xd8e
start_of_stack = 7057e
keybuf = 704ea
graph_grob_ptr = 70565
stack_grob_ptr = 70556
Copyright = ch^^d169
Beta = ch^^d223
CR = ch^015
LF = ch^012
-- Jan Brittenson